At Devine Drama & Dance we believe in fun.
We believe in it so much that it is incorporated in to all of our programs!
When we are young being silly, having fun and playing are all things that come totally naturally to us but as we get older these natural instincts fade. We become “safe”, we become afraid to show our emotions and we resist our natural instincts.
When you become a D.D.D Tribe Member we encourage and applaud playfulness and recognizing and honoring your emotions.
During our Dazzler classes; which are aimed at students aged 2 -4, we watch them dance with freedom, sing out loud and use their imaginations. Learning the choreography and getting the steps perfect isn’t our focus. In fact it’s a very small part of our Dazzler program. Instead we focus on building confidence, encouraging kindness, boosting imagination skills, exploring creativity, celebrating silliness and creating a joyful experience.
I have been thinking lately that perhaps it’s not just the little ones that need this type of class format. Maybe the older kids are in desperate need of more fun, more joy, more playfulness and more silliness! Maybe we can all learn something from the toddlers of the world.
They are wild and free.
They don’t judge.
They dance like no one is watching.
They sing like no one is listening.
They play, they explore and they aren’t afraid to fail. They are un-apologetically themselves!
Being a teenager can be tough, especially in this current climate. They are feeling stressed, anxious, depressed. They feel judged. They are bombarded with images of “perfect” “happy” people on social media. There are so many expectations placed on them. It’s no wonder they are feeling overwhelmed.
I’m starting to wonder if teenagers are being so affected by social media and the unrealistic standards set by these outlets. I ask myself… Are they becoming trained to think they need to feel happy all the time? Do they think they are unworthy or inadequate if their social media accounts don’t have glossy perfect photos of a glossy perfect life? Perhaps it would help if they turned off their phones and turned on their hearts. Ignited their passions, explored their creativity and dare I even say it, be a bit silly!
At Devine Drama & Dance we not only offer super fun performing arts classes but
we also offer emotional support, we nurture creativity and I believe our programs can be beneficial to anyone who is struggling. Dance and Drama can be a therapeutic tool. You just have to be brave enough to trust the process. Our tribe members are given the permission to truly be themselves; they are given permission to PLAY.